Friday, September 18, 2009

Stuffed Rambutans

A scary fruit to behold, the rambutans are another tropical treat from the South Asian continent.Rambutans are native to Malaysia, but are enjoyed throughout Southeast Asia.It is a small fruit measuring from 5-7 cm. in size.It's color ranges from a light yellow to crimson red and is characterized by tiny hair-like protrusions on its outer skin. Inside, rambutans are a pearly, translucent white similar to a grape.Rambutans are made into jams, used in tropical fruit salads,or in desserts but they are most commonly consumed raw.

Rambutans can be opened by applying pressure with a sharp knife and prying it apart from the skin.Rambutans are best bought fresh and eaten the same day.Outside of Asia, they are hard to find fresh but I have seen them in some Asian supermarkets canned.Rambutans are normally available August-October.They are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants.

Yield:4 Servings
1 small banana, peeled, mashed
juice of 1 lime
16 fresh rambutans or canned, drained, and rinsed in cold water to remove sugar
12 pitted dates,chopped
1 vanilla bean, seeds removed or 1 Tbsp. vanilla extract

1. In a small bowl, mix banana with lime juice and set aside.Gently slice of the top of the rambutan and loosen the outer skin from the fruit.Gently cut an X on the of the fruit, open it and extract the small seed and discard it.Repeat with the remaining rambutans.Open the fruit slightly so it resembles a four-petal flower.

2. In a food processor or blender, blend the mashed banana with the dates and vanilla beans or extract(if using) until smooth.

3.Spoon equal amounts of banana-date paste in the center of each rambutan and bring the sides up a little closer to enclose the filling.Cover and chill for 30 minutes before serving.

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